London’s Premium Osteopathic Clinic

Better You Clinic


At Better You Clinic, our team of highly qualified osteopathic practitioners are dedicated to your well-being. With years of experience and a commitment to evidence-based practices, we offer personalised, comprehensive osteopathic care to address your unique needs in our osteopathic clinics in London

A women getting treated in Better You osteopathic clinic London


Osteopathy involves manual techniques to diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions, with the goal of promoting the body's  ability to heal 
A client getting medical acupuncture in Better You osteopathic clinic London

Medical Acupuncture

Medical acupuncture involves the precise insertion of needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain, promote healing and improve overall health.
Better You Osteopathic Clinic London doing pregnancy osteopath on a pregnant women

Pregnancy Osteopathy

Pregnancy Osteopathy involves manual techniques treat a wide range of pregnancy conditions, with the goal of making your pregnancy journey easier
A client in Better You Clinic getting sports taping completed on their body

Sports Taping

Sports taping provides support and stability to muscles and joints, reducing the risk of injury and aiding in recovery. It can alleviate pain, improve circulation.

What Other Treatments Does Better You Clinic Offer?

We offer a list of treatments and services for people looking for a holistic approach to their healthcare.

  • Paediatric Osteopathy (Coming soon)

  • Home visits  

  • Sport massage 

  • Rehab programs 

  • Event Support

Now Available At Our Liverpool St Clinic

We offer Hyperbaric Chamber & Cryotherapy only in our Liverpool Street Clinic. To make a booking for one of these services please contact us by using the buttons below.

A Hyperbaric Chamber treatment offered by Better You Clinic London

Hyperbaric Chamber 

A hypobaric chamber is a sealed enclosure that simulates reduced atmospheric pressure, mimicking conditions at higher altitudes. Hypobaric chambers can offer several health benefits, including improved athletic performance, accelerated recovery from exercise and aiding in the treatment of certain medical conditions
A cryotherapy treatment offered by Better You Clinic London


Cryotherapy is a therapeutic technique that exposes the body to extremely cold temperatures for a brief period. It's used for various purposes, including reducing inflammation, alleviating muscle soreness, and improving skin conditions, with potential health benefits.

Suffering with daily pain ?

Coping with daily pain can prevent you from doing the things you love. We offer Osteopathic care in our osteopathic clinics in London that can help you reduce your pain through our holistic approach and patient centred focus to get you back to doing things you love!


If you would like to make a booking in one of our osteopathic clinics in London or if you have any questions about any of our services please send us a message using the contact form below.

What Does An Osteopathic Clinic Treat?

A client being treated in one of Better You Osteopathic Clinic London
  • TMJ pain, also known as jaw pain, is a condition characterised by discomfort, pain, and dysfunction in the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. It can be caused by various factors, including stress, teeth grinding, misaligned jaw, or trauma. TMJ pain can lead to headaches, facial pain, difficulty chewing, and even neck and shoulder discomfort.

    Visiting an osteopath can be an effective solution for TMJ pain. Osteopathic care takes a holistic approach to healthcare, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of musculoskeletal issues. Using hands-on techniques like manipulation, soft tissue work, and stretching to release tension, improve jaw joint mobility, and alleviate pain.

    Osteopathy also consider the interconnectedness of the body's systems, recognising that issues in one area can affect other parts of the body. For TMJ pain, this means not only addressing the jaw joint but also looking at the neck, spine, and surrounding muscles to ensure comprehensive treatment.

    Furthermore, osteopaths may offer guidance on lifestyle modifications and exercises to help patients manage stress and prevent TMJ pain from recurring. By taking this holistic and patient-centered approach, osteopathic care can be an effective and natural solution for those suffering from TMJ pain, providing relief, improved jaw function, and an enhanced overall quality of life.

  • Postural concerns are a common issue in today's sedentary and technologically driven world, where many people spend long hours sitting at desks or using mobile devices. Poor posture can lead to a range of health problems, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, reduced mobility, and even digestive issues. Fortunately, an osteopath can often provide an effective cure for postural concerns.

    Osteopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that considers the musculoskeletal system's interconnectedness with overall well-being. They are skilled in assessing and correcting postural issues and use hands-on techniques like manipulation, stretching, and soft tissue work to realign the body and improve posture.

    Osteopathic treatments also address the underlying factors contributing to poor posture, which can include muscle imbalances, joint restrictions, and lifestyle habits. They work with patients to develop personalized treatment plans that not only alleviate pain but also provide guidance on posture correction and preventive measures.

    Visiting an osteopathic clinic for postural concerns can lead to significant improvements in comfort, mobility, and overall health. By addressing posture-related issues comprehensively, osteopathic care offers a natural and effective solution for individuals looking to correct and prevent postural concerns and their associated health problems.

  • Sciatica is a painful condition that occurs when the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the human body, becomes irritated or compressed. This irritation typically leads to sharp, shooting pain that radiates down the leg and can be accompanied by numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness. Sciatica can significantly affect one's quality of life, making it challenging to perform daily activities.

    Osteopathy offers a valuable approach to treating sciatica. Osteopathic practitioners are trained to identify and address the root causes of musculoskeletal issues, making them well-suited to provide relief for sciatica. They use a combination of manual techniques, such as spinal manipulation, stretching, and soft tissue work, to alleviate pressure on the sciatic nerve and reduce pain.

    Osteopathic care doesn't merely focus on symptom management; it aims to correct the underlying issues contributing to sciatica. They also provide guidance on lifestyle modifications, exercises, and preventive measures to reduce the risk of recurrence.

    Many individuals who have struggled with sciatica have found relief through osteopathic care. By taking a holistic and patient-centered approach, osteopathy can effectively address the discomfort and limitations associated with sciatica, allowing individuals to regain their mobility and enjoy a pain-free life. If you're dealing with sciatica, considering a visit to an osteopath may be the key to your recovery.

  • Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative experience, but it often comes with a range of aches and pains as the body adjusts to the growing baby. Many expectant mothers experience discomfort in the back, hips, and pelvis, along with issues like sciatica, round ligament pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Visiting an osteopath can offer effective relief and support during this crucial time.

    Pregnancy osteopathy is a safe and natural option for addressing pregnancy-related aches and pains. Pregnancy osteopaths are trained to work with the body's natural healing abilities, providing hands-on treatments to alleviate discomfort and promote overall well-being. They use gentle techniques like soft tissue manipulation, stretching, and joint mobilisation to relieve tension, improve circulation, and enhance joint mobility.

    Pregnancy osteopaths also consider the body's interconnected systems and how pregnancy can affect them. They address not only the specific pain but also the underlying causes, such as changes in posture, alignment, and muscle imbalances. This comprehensive approach can result in significant relief for expectant mothers.

    Moreover, osteopathic care during pregnancy can contribute to a smoother childbirth experience and postpartum recovery. Osteopathic care can help prepare the body for labor and address issues like pelvic misalignment that might affect the baby's position.

  • Sports injuries are a common consequence of physical activity, ranging from minor sprains and strains to more severe issues like ligament tears and fractures. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts often seek rapid and effective solutions to recover and get back in the game. Osteopathic care offers a valuable approach to addressing sports injuries and promoting a swift and complete recovery.

    Osteopaths are skilled in diagnosing and treating a wide range of musculoskeletal injuries. They employ hands-on techniques such as soft tissue manipulation, joint mobilisation, and stretching to reduce pain, inflammation, and muscle tension. Additionally, osteopaths consider the body's natural ability to heal and work with it to facilitate a faster recovery.

    What sets osteopathic care apart is its focus on addressing the underlying causes of sports injuries. Osteopaths aim to correct any structural imbalances, postural issues, or biomechanical problems that may have contributed to the injury. By doing so, they not only provide relief but also help prevent the recurrence of the injury.

    Osteopathic care is suitable for athletes at all levels, from weekend warriors to elite competitors. Whether it's a sprained ankle, a strained muscle, or a more complex issue, consulting an osteopathic clinic can be the key to a quicker and more effective recovery, ensuring athletes can return to their sports with confidence and reduced risk of reinjury.

  • Strains, often referred to as muscle strains, occur when muscle fibers stretch or tear due to overexertion, sudden movements, or improper lifting techniques. These injuries can cause pain, swelling, and reduced range of motion, making daily activities challenging. Seeking treatment from an osteopath can be an effective cure for strains.

    Osteopaths are skilled in addressing musculoskeletal issues, including strains. They use hands-on techniques such as soft tissue manipulation and stretching to promote healing and alleviate pain. Through these methods, osteopaths can help relax muscle tension, reduce inflammation, and enhance circulation to the affected area.

    What sets osteopathic care apart is its holistic approach. Osteopaths don't just focus on the injured muscle; they assess the entire body to identify any contributing factors, such as posture problems or biomechanical issues. By addressing these root causes, osteopaths can help prevent future strains and improve overall musculoskeletal health.

    Osteopathic care is suitable for individuals of all ages and activity levels. Whether you've strained a muscle during sports or experienced a strain due to daily activities, visiting an osteopath can provide an effective and natural solution. Osteopathy aims to not only cure the immediate issue but also enhance your overall well-being, ensuring a more comfortable and active lifestyle.

  • Arthritic pain is a persistent and often debilitating condition caused by inflammation and deterioration of the joints. It can affect people of all ages and significantly impact their quality of life. While arthritis has no known cure, seeking treatment from an osteopath can provide substantial relief and improve the management of arthritic pain.

    Osteopathic practitioners are well-equipped to address arthritic pain by employing manual techniques and a holistic approach. They use methods such as gentle joint manipulation, soft tissue work, and stretching to alleviate pain and enhance joint mobility. These techniques help reduce muscle tension and improve blood circulation around the affected joints.

    Osteopathic care for arthritis extends beyond symptom management as they assess the patient's overall musculoskeletal health, looking for underlying factors that contribute to arthritic pain. This comprehensive approach can lead to better pain management, increased joint functionality, and an improved quality of life.

    Osteopathy can complement other medical treatments for arthritis, such as medication or physical therapy, offering a holistic and patient-centered approach to pain relief. While osteopathy may not cure arthritis, it can be a crucial part of a comprehensive management plan that helps individuals with arthritis regain mobility and reduce the impact of pain on their daily lives.

  • Frozen shoulder is a painful and debilitating condition that affects the shoulder joint, leading to stiffness, restricted range of motion, and persistent discomfort. While it can resolve on its own over time, seeking the expertise of an osteopath can significantly accelerate the recovery process and provide effective relief.

    Osteopaths are trained to address musculoskeletal issues, and their hands-on techniques can be particularly beneficial for frozen shoulder. They use gentle manipulations, soft tissue work, and stretching exercises to improve joint mobility, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain. These methods help break up adhesions in the shoulder joint, facilitating the recovery process.

    Osteopathic care for frozen shoulder extends beyond symptom management. By addressing any underlying factors such as postural issues, muscle imbalances, or lifestyle habits, osteopaths help prevent the recurrence of frozen shoulder and enhance overall shoulder health.

    Osteopathy is a safe and natural approach to healing that complements other medical treatments for frozen shoulder. If you are experiencing the discomfort and limitations associated with this condition, consulting an osteopathic clinic can be the key to a faster and more complete recovery, allowing you to regain your shoulder's mobility and function.

  • Joint pains can be a daily struggle for many individuals, affecting their mobility, comfort, and overall quality of life. Seeking the care of an osteopath can provide an effective solution for managing and alleviating joint pains.

    Osteopaths are skilled in diagnosing and treating a wide range of musculoskeletal issues, including joint pains. They use a combination of hands-on techniques, such as joint manipulation, soft tissue work, and stretching exercises, to improve joint function, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. These methods aim to address the root causes of joint pains, providing not only temporary relief but also long-term benefits.

    Osteopathic care stands out due to its holistic approach. By addressing factors like posture problems, muscle imbalances, or lifestyle habits, osteopaths help prevent the recurrence of joint pains and enhance overall musculoskeletal health.

    Osteopathic clinics are suitable for individuals of all ages and activity levels. Whether you're dealing with joint pains due to age, injury, or a chronic condition, consulting an osteopath can provide a natural and effective solution. Osteopathic practitioners aim to not only cure the immediate issue but also improve your overall well-being, ensuring a more comfortable and active lifestyle.

We Provide A Holistic Patient Centred Approach To Treat Your Pain….

Discover the Better You difference in osteopathic care. Our expert osteopathic practitioners, backed by their experience and evidence-based practices, offer a personalised approach that sets us apart. We believe in holistic, patient-centred osteopathy, addressing not just symptoms but also underlying causes.

What Our Clients Have Said

Where We Are Located

We offer Osteopathic treatments at all of the locations below.

Please note that our Cryotherapy & Hyberbaric Chamber can only be accessed at UNTIL Liverpool Street

Better You osteopathic treatment  room at Liverpool Street London


A treatment room in Marylebone where osteopathy is offered


Home Visits are offered by Better You Clinic for osteopathic care in Clapham London


Better You Osteopathic Clinic in Wandsworth London


FAQ About Osteopathy

Osteopathic clinics offer personalised treatment plans, considering the interconnectedness of the body's systems to address not only symptoms but also their underlying causes. Their goal is to enhance mobility, reduce discomfort, and promote natural healing, ensuring patients enjoy a higher quality of life.

  • Osteopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on the musculoskeletal system and its influence on overall well-being. Osteopaths play a crucial role in addressing a wide range of health issues.

    At an osteopathic clinic, osteopaths are primarily concerned with diagnosing and treating various conditions related to the musculoskeletal system. They use a combination of manual techniques, such as manipulation, stretching, and massage, to improve the mobility and function of the body. Their goal is to restore balance and harmony within the body, as they believe that proper musculoskeletal alignment is essential for good health.

    Osteopaths don't merely focus on symptom management; they aim to identify the root causes of health issues.

    Through careful examination and hands-on treatment, they address not only the physical symptoms but also the underlying factors contributing to discomfort and pain. This comprehensive approach distinguishes osteopathic care from other forms of therapy.

    Patients seek the expertise of osteopaths for a variety of reasons, including back pain, joint problems, headaches, and even issues related to posture and mobility. Beyond addressing specific health concerns, osteopaths also promote overall wellness and preventive care. They emphasize patient education, offering guidance on lifestyle modifications and exercises that can support long-term health and well-being.

    In conclusion, an osteopathic clinic is a place where individuals can access a unique and holistic form of healthcare. Osteopaths are dedicated to improving the musculoskeletal health of their patients and addressing the root causes of various conditions. Their hands-on, patient-centered approach sets them apart, making osteopathy a valuable option for those seeking comprehensive care for their physical well-being. If you're looking for a natural and effective way to address musculoskeletal issues and promote overall health, consider visiting an osteopathic clinic and experiencing the benefits of osteopathic care firsthand.

  • Osteopathy and chiropractic care are two distinct approaches to musculoskeletal health, often used to alleviate pain and enhance overall well-being. While there are some similarities between the two, such as a focus on manual techniques and holistic health, there are significant differences that set them apart. In this article, we'll explore the key distinctions between osteopathy and chiropractic care, with a primary focus on osteopathic techniques.

    Osteopathic practitioners, or osteopaths, are healthcare professionals who follow the principles of osteopathy, a holistic system that considers the entire body when addressing health issues. Osteopaths are doctors of osteopathic medicine who complete extensive training and specialize in hands-on treatments.

    Chiropractors, on the other hand, primarily concentrate on the spine and nervous system. They are known for spinal adjustments or manipulations, which are believed to correct misalignments and improve overall health.

    One key difference lies in the scope of practice. Osteopaths employ a variety of manual techniques, including manipulation, stretching, and soft tissue work, to promote healing.

    Chiropractors focus primarily on spinal adjustments to alleviate pain and enhance nerve function. While they are skilled in treating back and neck pain, their approach is more specialized.

    Both osteopaths and chiropractors share a commitment to holistic health and consider the interconnectedness of the body's systems. However, osteopaths typically take a more comprehensive approach, considering not just the spine but the entire body when addressing health concerns.

    In conclusion, the main difference between osteopathy and chiropractic care is the scope of practice and the approach to treatment. Osteopaths are medical professionals with a broader range of medical training and emphasise whole-body wellness, while chiropractors focus on spinal adjustments and their impact on the nervous system. When choosing between the two, it's essential to consider your specific healthcare needs and the approach that aligns best with your overall health goals.

  • Seeking the services of an osteopath is a decision that many individuals make to address a variety of health concerns. Osteopathic care, or osteopathy, is a holistic approach that targets the musculoskeletal system to improve overall well-being. In this article, we'll explore some common reasons why someone might choose to see an osteopath, with a primary focus on the benefits of osteopathic treatments.

    Musculoskeletal Pain: One of the most common reasons people visit osteopaths is to alleviate pain. Whether it's back pain, neck pain, joint discomfort, or muscle tension, osteopathic techniques can provide relief. Osteopaths use hands-on manipulations, stretching, and massage to promote healing and reduce pain.

    Postural Issues: Poor posture can lead to a wide range of health problems, including chronic pain and reduced mobility. Osteopaths specialise in assessing and improving posture, which can have a profound impact on overall health.

    Injury Recovery: Osteopathy is an excellent choice for individuals recovering from injuries, such as sports injuries or accidents. Osteopathic treatments can help speed up the healing process and restore proper function.

    Stress and Tension: Osteopathy is not just about physical health; it also addresses mental and emotional well-being. Osteopathic techniques can reduce stress and tension, promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality.

    Headaches and Migraines: Chronic headaches and migraines can be debilitating. Osteopathic care aims to identify and alleviate the underlying causes of these conditions, offering a natural alternative to medication.

    Pregnancy and Postpartum Care: Osteopathy is beneficial for expectant mothers and new mothers. It can help ease discomfort during pregnancy, prepare the body for childbirth, and aid in postpartum recovery.

    Chronic Conditions: Osteopathy is not limited to physical discomfort. Osteopaths consider the whole body, making it suitable for addressing chronic conditions like asthma, digestive issues, and more.

    Preventive Health: Many individuals choose to see an osteopath to maintain and enhance their overall health. Osteopathic care emphasizes preventive measures, promoting wellness and reducing the risk of future health issues.

    In conclusion, people seek the expertise of osteopaths for a wide range of health concerns, from musculoskeletal pain to stress reduction and preventive care. Osteopathic treatments offer a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of the body's systems, making it a valuable choice for those looking to improve their physical and mental well-being naturally. If you're considering osteopathic care, it's essential to consult with a qualified osteopath who can tailor a treatment plan to your specific needs.

  • The duration of osteopathic treatment can vary widely depending on individual health needs, the nature of the condition being addressed, and the treatment plan established by the osteopath. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how long you should go to an osteopath, but we can provide some general guidelines to help you understand the factors that influence the duration of treatment.

    Nature and Severity of the Condition: The type and severity of your health issue play a significant role in determining the length of treatment. Acute conditions may require only a few sessions, while chronic or complex issues may necessitate a more extended treatment plan.

    Treatment Goals: Your treatment goals are crucial in determining how long you should continue seeing an osteopath. If your objective is pain relief, you may require fewer sessions than if you are seeking comprehensive rehabilitation and improved overall wellness.

    Individual Response: Each person responds differently to osteopathic treatment. Some individuals may experience rapid improvement, while others may require a more extended period to see substantial results. The osteopath will continuously assess your progress to make necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

    Preventive Care: For preventive care and general well-being, some individuals choose to see an osteopath regularly. The frequency of these visits may be less than for those seeking treatment for specific health issues.

    Consultation with the Osteopath: The best way to determine the ideal duration of osteopathic treatment is to have an initial consultation with a qualified osteopath. They will assess your condition, discuss your goals, and create a personalized treatment plan that includes an estimated timeframe.

    Long-Term Maintenance: In some cases, individuals with chronic conditions or recurring issues may benefit from periodic maintenance visits even after their initial treatment. These visits can help manage symptoms and prevent relapses.

    In summary, how long you should see an osteopath depends on several factors, including the nature of your condition, treatment goals, and individual response to therapy. An initial consultation with a skilled osteopath is essential for determining the most suitable treatment plan and estimated duration. Whether you require short-term relief or ongoing maintenance, osteopathic care is a holistic approach that can address a wide range of health concerns and support your overall well-being.

  • Osteopathy and massage therapy are often associated with hands-on techniques for promoting physical well-being, but they are distinct disciplines with different focuses and methodologies. It's crucial to understand the differences between osteopathy and massage to make an informed choice about which approach aligns with your healthcare needs.

    Osteopathy is a holistic system of healthcare that emphasises the musculoskeletal system's interconnection with overall health. Osteopathic practitioners, often referred to as osteopaths, receive comprehensive training. They employ manual techniques, such as manipulation, stretching, and soft tissue work, to diagnose and treat a wide range of health issues. Osteopaths not only aim to alleviate symptoms but also address the root causes of health concerns.

    On the other hand, massage therapy primarily focuses on the manipulation of soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments, to promote relaxation, reduce tension, and enhance circulation. While massages can offer relief from stress and muscular discomfort, they typically do not address the underlying causes of health conditions in the same comprehensive manner as osteopathy.

    In summary, osteopathy and massage therapy differ in their scope, methodology, and treatment objectives. Osteopathy is a healthcare discipline that considers the entire body and aims to diagnose and treat a wide array of health issues, while massage therapy is primarily focused on relaxing muscles and relieving tension. If you are seeking comprehensive healthcare that addresses the root causes of your health concerns, osteopathy is the more appropriate choice. However, if you are looking for relaxation and relief from muscle tension, a massage therapist may be the better option. It's essential to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine the most suitable approach for your specific health and wellness goals.

  • Deciding whether to visit an osteopathic clinic can be a significant step towards improving your health and well-being. Osteopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on the musculoskeletal system and its profound impact on overall health. To help you determine if you need to seek care at an osteopathic clinic, consider the following indicators:

    Chronic Pain: If you are experiencing persistent pain, whether in your back, neck, joints, or muscles, it may be a sign that you could benefit from osteopathic treatment. Osteopaths specialize in diagnosing and addressing the root causes of chronic pain.

    Poor Posture: If you have issues with your posture, it can lead to a range of health problems, including back pain and reduced mobility. Osteopaths are skilled at assessing and improving posture to enhance overall well-being.

    Injuries and Trauma: If you've suffered injuries, sports-related or otherwise, or have been in accidents, osteopathy can aid in your recovery. Osteopathic treatments can help speed up the healing process and restore proper function.

    Stress and Tension: Osteopathy isn't just about physical health; it addresses mental and emotional well-being. If you're under significant stress or experience tension, osteopathic techniques can help reduce these factors, promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality.

    Preventive Health: You don't need to be in pain to visit an osteopathic clinic. Many individuals choose to see an osteopath for preventive care and to enhance their overall health and well-being. Osteopathic treatments can help identify and address potential issues before they become significant health concerns.

    In conclusion, visiting an osteopathic clinic can be a proactive step toward improving your health, whether you're experiencing chronic pain, musculoskeletal issues, or simply seeking to maintain and enhance your overall well-being. Osteopathy offers a holistic approach to healthcare that considers the interconnectedness of the body's systems. It's important to consult with a qualified osteopath who can assess your specific needs and tailor a treatment plan to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.